The prayer of St. Francis is number one on my all time greatest hits prayer list. This day spent in Assisi was an attempt for me to get to know him a bit better. Assisi, wow, what a magical place. I immediately felt surrounded by spirit as I walked around, even in the squeltering heat. The first place I was led to was Santa Maria dell Angelo. This church was built over the chapel that St. Francis used to pray at and over the spot where he died. It’s a big church built over a little church. There is something very special about this spot, and I don’t think it has to do with the churches. I can’t really describe it in any other way than to say that there was a certain energy that fills the place. I had a couple of very intense experiences there. My favorite one was when I had this overwhelming urge to take my clothes off in the church. I can honestly say that this was new for me; I have never wanted to be nude in church. It gave me the giggles in the moment. I felt that I didn’t need clothes, and that they were keeping me from the truth somehow. Later I found out that St. Francis took all of his clothes off in church when he was going a bit mad before he started his order. I’m convinced he wanted me to join in the fun!
The town of Assisi sits high on a hill in Umbria. It is a medieval town and the old town is completely walled. The monastery and basilica sit on the edge of the top of the hill. The Basilica was beautiful, but I must admit it kind of made me mad. It seems to me to be in direct opposition to what St. Francis taught. It’s like the Catholic Church just didn’t listen to his message and did what they wanted to anyway. Typical.
The hostel I was staying at was a few hundred meters out of town, down a little road that cut through a winding olive grove. It reminded me of the street that I grew up on in Fallbrook, long and hilly. So on my way into town after dropping off my things at the hostel I did a bit of hitch hiking and ended up getting a grand tour of Assisi by car, which is something only locals can do. My tour guide was a sweet old guy named Franco. He showed me the whole city, and I am so grateful for his ride, cause it was at least 90 degrees outside and the whole town is one big hill. I ended my tour at St. Clare’s Basilica. Inside I saw her tomb and the cross that spoke to St. Francis and told him to rebuild his church. I was surprised to see that the cross is one that I have at my house, when I have a house. It’s pretty much the only catholic iconography that I treasure dearly. After, I headed up to Minerva’s temple, a Roman temple with a Catholic Church built right on top. Inside they were having mass, so I didn’t get to see the drains that were built in Roman times for the blood of the human sacrifices. Bummer! After I ate dinner, I took a slow sunset walk and drank in the incredible vista from St. Francis’s Basilica. Everything seems extra animated in Assisi. The plants seem to smile at you and all of the animals I met seemed to be very happy with their digs. I was exhausted when I finally made it back to the hostel and slept better than I have in weeks. I woke up early this morning to take a peak inside the Basilica and to pray with the monks. I so wanted to connect with them, but as usual, I just don’t find a spiritual connection with the religion of Catholicism anymore (sorry mom and dad) I really wish that it worked for me because it would be so easy. Instead, it’s a hodge-podge mash up of different spiritual paths for me. In actuality, that is what I found here in addition to all of the Catholic stuff. Hodge-podge spiritual mash ups. There is even an East-West center with meditation retreats. Maybe for my next trip to Italy!!
As I was waiting for my train to L’Aquilla a familiar face greeted me. The beautiful Bridgette from down under. It was the perfect ending to a perfect 24hours in Assisi. We shared a bit and I passed along my map and received a beautiful hug and some liquid love from a fellow basker of the light. Thank You and Goddess Bless.
1 comment:
That story about you wanting to take your clothes off in the church and that clothing was "keeping you from the truth" is the most Drea thing I can think of! You are the bestest and I miss your sense of childlike wonder lighting my days.
xo erika
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