My train ride to L’Aquilla was one on the funniest parts of my trip. I missed my first connection because these old guys were talking to me and I think they wanted to drive me to my destination so they purposely failed to tell me that I was standing in the wrong place for the train. What were we talking about? Well it was in Italian, but I think they were giving me a hard time for being single. But that was okay because they had some nice potential husbands in town if I would just go with them. After I missed my train, I threw my first Italian princess fit in a long time. I yelled at them in Italian that it was their entire fault that I missed my train, and that I was tired and hungry and just wanted to get to my destination! The Italians loved this! It is amazing how well everyone responded to me getting mad. The old guys ran around and made sure I knew where my next train was coming from, and when I walked over to sit in the train and wait for it to depart, one of the old guys brought me a pannino. He then tried to get my phone number, young at heart these Italians, and always chasing tail.
The train was only one car, and it was almost empty. Half way through the trip it was totally empty, and I felt like I was being chauffeured around in my own private train. Out the window the view of the region of Abruzzo was lush and green. The train ride was through a beautiful valley. I took the opportunity to do some singing and dancing around until the train conductor came in and asked me to kindly stop doing gymnastics in the train.
When I arrived in L’Aquila my distant cousin Chiara was waiting for me. She is absolutely lovely. Chiara is 25 and a language student at the University in town. Her English is wonderful and it is so nice to have a local that speaks English to show me around the city. Did you know that L’Aquila is the town of 99 churches, 99 parks, 99 fountains, and 99 bottles of beer on the wall? As we drove to the apartment we passed by a few churches, and Chiara promised me that we wouldn’t have to go inside of any of them because she was sure that I was churched out after two months in Italy, I love this girl!!! We arrived at her apartment where she lives with her mother Anna Olivia, and her grandfather Tonino. Tonino is my father’s first cousin and absolutely adorable!! He is 86 years young and has been to America. Back during WW II he was a POW in an American camp in St. Louis and Texas. Not the best way to see the states. Apparently they fed him beans and meat for dinner. Yum! My grandfather went and visited him when he was being held captive. My grandfather also fought during WWII only he fought with the Americans against Italy. . It seems strange to me that two members of the same family could be fighting against each other in the same war.
It was so nice to arrive at my family’s home, because it really feels like family. I got to wash my clothes, take a long shower, and eat an amazing dinner. Just like home!! It’s a gift to be able to connect with my past and make relationships that will go on into the future. The pictures are of me in the square with 99 fountains, the bell tower in the center of L’Aquila and of Chaira and her beautiful friends. Chiara is the one next to me in the middle.
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