As soon as class was over today I ran from the building. I forgot how much school sresses me out. All of the things I hate about myself rise to the surface. My perfectionism and competitve nature come gushing forth and the outcome leaves me stressed and cranky. I pretty much dont understand anything and its driving me crazyy!! I am excited to take Italian 1 with a teacher who speakes English when I get back to the states. Then Ill be lil miss smarty pants and I wont have to feel insecure about not understanding the lesson cause Ill have already taken it!!
Enough complaning. After I ran from the building I hopped on a boat for Lido and rented a bike for the afternoon. As soon as my feet hit the pedals I was instantly cured of all my stress. Lido is a small island across the lagoon from Venice, if you remember from earlier posts its where the beach is. My bike was super cute with a big ole basket in front just like the one I had when I was little. I wish I could send you some of the smell of the island. All of the jasmine is in bloom and it filled the air with a sweet intoxicating perfume. I rode past houses and walls that were centuries old. The pace on Lido is perfect for a bike. Everything just crusies right along. I stoped at a cafe(shack) along the rode and had a coffee with three old guys. They gave me the secrets of the island and pointed out the way to the path that leads along the sea. I rode thru a dirt rode thru tall grass and rose bushes to an old stone rode along the coast of the island. All in all I rode around 10 kilometers. I have no idea what that means in miles but I think that its less than 10 miles! Tonight Im eating some Buon Viaggio pasta with my friend Monica from school who leaves in the morning. I have a full weekend planned and I cant wait to fill you in on the juicy details. love and joy!
Brilliant lessons you are learning. Maybe the class room is the great teacher about other "classrooms". Remember keep it simple, trust the process and finally progress not perfection (BUT DO IT) Acknowledging what we need to change is the biggest part of change, but one still take action. Resistance to change is what makes us do I know this? well....duh.
Dear Drea; It is admirable to strive for perfection, but don`t be to hard on yourself! Remember the journey is the destination. Your description of the city and smells transports me through time and space, and I feel as if I am experiencing a small taste of Italy through your eyes and senses. Thank You. Remain in joy at your life and being. Love, Light, and Laughter Myrrah
And the forecast for VENICE for your birthday week is glorious. Supposed to be 79 degrees F tomorrow Sunday, w/low of 68 with 70% relative humidity. Warming up to 80 for Monday and 82 for your birthday. What FUN! Today is the feast of the Ascension, GREAT time of year. Be not afraid, I go before you always, come follow me...
blessings, MOM
10 kilometers is just over 6 miles. 6.4 I am pretty sure
Learning a second language is strenuous. I remember learning how to tell my host family that my mind was like a fried egg. What you are doing now is the hardest part too. The month long programs are terribly intensive. I know I cried a lot my first month, just being so tired. Hang in there, the benefits are many. You are brilliant
Well written article.
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