After I got home form the boat ride, I took a quick shower and headed out for Maghera, a small town just outside of Venice. It’s a quick bus ride away and there was a performance tonight of an actor that I met last weekend. It was a one-man show telling the story of something that happened in Argentina in the 1960’s or 1970’s. I really have no idea. I couldn’t understand any of it. Wait, that’s not entirely true. I understood plenty of words. It was the concepts that flew right over my head. There were also some artistic choices that I got hung up on and lingered on them asking myself questions as to Why?? Like why was the Actor barefoot when he wasn’t doing anything physical? Why was he drinking a beer? What did the mobile made of spoons mean? And why was there a Soccer jersey thrown over a bench that was never used? Why was there a projection of the interior of a church? And Why? Why? Why? Did he burn that letter about the guitar?
I’m not sure if understanding the language would have helped me to better understand any of the above choices. But one thing is for certain; I am one step closer to my one-woman show. If people will pay to see what I just saw, they would defiantly pay to see a show with me and my mobile of forks!!!
Happy Birthday tomorrow!
I'm sorry that your forced silence is making you sad. But who needs to talk when you are surrounded by all that beauty!
Glad you are still thinking of moving to New York!
Happy Birthday almost! Glad you have punched into tossing your own birthday celebration and are giving BACK or paying you will have the sort of day YOU will remember. Actually, you were born 29 years ago today (Monday before Memorial Day) at 5:30 PM so happy birthday darling.Myrrah and I will celebrate your birth tonight!
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