TGIF! I am looking forward to the weekend so I can sleep in. My brain hurts a bit too. I wanted to talk a bit about how things are here. The trash in Venice, for example, is a big problem. Everyday is trash day. There aren't any big trash cans to put your rubbish in. Instead, there are hooks on the walls of the buildings and you take the trash out everynight and leave it on the hooks. In the morning men with carts from boats in the canal wander around the city collecting the trash.
The supermarket is amazing here. All of the food looks so good and I want to try every bit of it. It can be a bit stressfull at checkout if your not on top of things. You have to bag things yourself as they are being rung up to avoid the hassle of your stuff being mixed up with the person behind you. In Venice everyone has a cart with wheels to lug there stuff in. I borrowed my host's and found it difficult to make it up and down the steps when it was full of food.
Smoking has been banned inside everywhere here. The Italians that I have met all smoke for the most part and they love to smoke inbetween courses at dinner. I have to wash my hair more often than at home.
Speaking of hair, my hair loves the climate here.!! Its like its screaming "HOME AT LAST!!"
Dinners are epic here. They last three hours and everyone relaxes at the table in between courses. It has been very entertaining for me. I just sit and eat and try to figure out what everyone is talking about.
I have been taking the vapotetti, the water bus, a lot latley. Its the coolest way to get around. The picture is of Ca'd Oro, the palace at my stop.
Tonight I am going to try and see some theatre at a small experimental theatre by my house. It should be interesting. Tommorow the neighbors are throwing a birthday party for the five year old twins that live below me. I put my clown nose on last night and created a clown to bring to the party. Its been a while since I played with my clown and I'm excited to give it a try.
Not much news to report. Just taking things one day a time, and trying to relax and enjoy everything that comes my way. I'm so greatful for this time, what a gift, and a blessing. Ciao tutti!!
I know, I know, my spelling and grammer are awful!!
I'v been blogging on the run latley so it will have to do!!!
Aloha Italian girl... Surprised you have Italian Hair, appetites and skin? !/2 your gene pool has to be sighing a giant relief...Good grief! So happy to hear you have found your special niche and am really excited about you dragging out your clown..the kids will LOVE it (if they don't freak out and be scared!)
Have a super weekend, Stay in the NOW...I have to confess I am feeling a bit of envy today. Long week here and long weekend ahead...but that's what IS this time of year. hugs and hugs and kisses...
love you MOM
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