This blog brought to you by the beautiful and talented Tatiana Bernardi, who sent me to the Guggenheim for my birthday! Thanks Cutie Sister!! I love you!!

Today I took a stroll over to Peggy Guggenheims old palace on the Grand Canal. Peggy is buried in the garden along with all of her dogs. Half of the palace was closed today because Matthew Barney is putting up his show that will open next week. I did get to see Peggy's collection and I learned a bit about the Futurist movement in art. There was a tour guide giving a group of seemingly uniterested american high school girls a chat abot the futurist movement that happened at the beggining of the last century. I was really excited to eavesdrop and hear about how the artists in Italy at the time tried to use their art as a way of getting Italy to jump on the bandwagon and join the industrial revolution. Apparently the Italians were slow to be industrilzed having only been an unified nation for a few years. The futurist's would hold art shows for the upper class art enthusist's, and when patrons arrived they would have terrible "noise" music playing and naked people rolling around, and people shouting about everything that was wrong with the country and after the riot broke out as a result of the patrons being offended, the artist's would revel their work. Anyone else excited?? Lets try it!!
I was also excited to learn about Peggy's love for art and artists. It was very important to her to buy works that she thought to be important even if know one else did at the time. She also gave a bunch of very famous artist's their first shows in New York. I really enjoyed seeing Jackson Pollacks and Magrite's work up close. I also am a big fan of Picasso, and loved seeing some of his drawings. The garden were beautiful as well. It is scattered with a diverse collection of sculpture, some very modern and some that was more classical. I loved all of the modern pieces against the classical arcitecture of the palace. All in all it was a very inspiring day! Much more art to come!! The Bianelle begins in a couple of days and artists from all over the globe will be in Venice. I can't wait!! Love and more Love!!

1 comment:
Thank you cutie sister!! I am glad you had a good trip there. I love you.
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