Its time for culture!! I have spent enough time at the beach and getting acclimated to the Italian way of life, that its time to be a bit of a tourista. I went to my first musem today. After school my friend Monica and I headed over to the Accademia Gallieries. As my amazing luck would have it it was free today and we just walked right in. I went for the guided tour so I could have a bit of infomation about what I was looking at and was mildly dissapointed. There werent any fun stories about the pain that went into making the glorious works in front of me. Just some information about what I was looking at, and most of the time I felt like I couldve figured it out on my own. I mean who doesnt know what mary and jesus look like?? The rooms seemed to go in cronological order and it was great to see the progession of subject matter as we traveled thru the ages. From only religious pictures, to ones depicting Baccus festivals and life at home in the eigteenth century. Afterwards we wandered over to a church near our school at Campo Pantalone that had an amazing ceiling that was painted in a way that made it seem to go onwards forever. It was stunning. I lit a candle and said a prayer for mom and we headed out for granitas( crushed icee like drinks that are perfect in the hot sun)
I arrived home this afternnon to two housguests outside our front door from Paris. They seem like sweet guys and I cant wait to see whats for dinner.
Love You!
Good to hear ya's gettin some culture....
A reminder. Because of your own experience with mask making be sure you set aside some time to visit the famous Venetian mask makers. As you know, they are fantastic.
Regarding the museums and the amount of info they provide you about what you are seeing, you will find that free and readily available information is lacking in most museums or other attractions throughtout Europe. You usually have to pay extra.
If the museum has the audio tours for rent you should definitely rent them as they provide a lot of information.Some other museums offer guided tours in different languages...usually quite pricey. Lastly you might consider buying a book about the museum at the museum bookstore although they also can be pricey and you could end up with a lot more heft to your luggage by the end of your trip. At least while you are in Venice you might consider asking if the school you are attending has any reference material that you can borrow when you go exploring.
Anyway, the important thing is to go and experience all these wonderful treasure troves. You can always read and learn more about what you have seen later on.
Thank you sweets! (for the prayers and candles!) I am thrilled for you that you are now emersing in the parts of travel that I and history. So many layers of it in Italy that you just can't get enough of it. I would bet your Art History class is paying of (even though it was "ages ago")
Love hearing about all your daily adventures.
blessings and love,
As a fellow european scholor I say screw the stupid tapes and books. Look for the hottest geek you can and find out the real juicy history from the local. Strew rick steeves too, he is not a local. Random information gained from the above knowledge: I can show you where I drunk Brunelleschi carved into the plaza wall an amazing (and worn) etching that is not marked or roped off, just there, on the side of the wall for locals to enjoy. Happy day to you. Think famous to be famous! love you doll. Way to bust out the red nose for the kiddies!
I think I would concur with your little sister on this one. The best information about darn near anything comes from asking the RIGHT local. Best food, fastest and cheapest transportation and where to find the HOT and available everything...GREAT ideas all. The joy of traveling the way you are, just following your sensual radar, in all ways...of course practicing discernment (mom must be mom)
Have a blast kiddo, you will never forget this trip if you remain open to the spirit (pray) love you, MOM
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